Past Projects

West Tey, Essex

Project Information


Marks Tey, Essex, England

Project Type

Masterplan and Wider Context Vision


Housing Association


Garden City / Garden Community
New Town
Mixed use walkable neighbourhoods Mixed Tenure


OPA currently being prepared

Studio LK forms part of the JV for the West Tey project, and is preparing the vision, masterplan and supporting strategies for an outline planning application for a 17,000 dwellings mixed use Garden Community, located to the west of Colchester at Marks Tey, Essex, UK.

The masterplan evolves from the landscape elements, in particular, the two river corridors, which run through the northern and southern halves of the site. The masterplan is also based upon sustainable urban and architectural principles, which stem from the original Garden City principles written by Ebenezer Howard in the early 1900s and the European Compact City model.

A Garden Community fuses the best elements of the city and the country into one settlement, such as economic and cultural opportunities from the city, and green spaces and local food produce from the country. Most dwellings will be within a five minutes walk of one of the 14 ‘neighbourhood centres’, each providing residents’ with their daily needs, facilities, jobs, organic food growing and services.

New materials, construction methods and smart technologies, as well as a mass rapid transit system will ensure West Tey addresses current and future needs, whilst being based upon timeless, traditional urban and architectural design principles. This approach should engender places that nurture health and wellbeing.

A new high street will be located at the centre of West Tey, whilst each of the neighbourhood centres will provide a proportion of employment spaces. An industrial and science park is located on the southern edge of the town.

Studio LK - West Tey Masterplan and Vision Studio LK - West Tey Masterplan and Vision
Studio LK - West Tey Masterplan and Vision
Studio LK - West Tey Masterplan and Vision