Past Projects
Atlanta, Georgia
Project Information
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Project Type
Neighbourhood Regeneration
Neighbourhood regeneration
Mixed use walkable neighbourhoods
Mixed tenure
Cultural Heritage Revitalisation
The Studio LK team, whilst with The Prince’s Foundation, led an Enquiry by Design scoping workshop with local officials and stakeholders, to investigate a study area comprising three neighbourhoods in Atlanta, Atlanta University Center, Vine City, and English Avenue.
The latter two have suffered significant disinvestment, resulting in vacant land and boarded abandoned buildings in various conditions, some of which have historic importance.
Established in 1891 as a white working class neighbourhood, English Avenue later became predominantly African American and, in the 1950s and 1960s, was a vibrant, livable community. Suburban migration drained resources from the area and led to increased crime rates.
The collapse of the housing and financial markets has continued to stunt community prosperity and growth.
Several actions evolved from the Enquiry by Design workshop, included identifying a neighbourhood centre for revitalisation, establishing an elementary school, producing an architectural and urban design code, developing affordable home ownership mechanisms, and creating health and community centres.